Blessed with relatively uncomplicated birth events and healthy babies I was released from the hospital within 48 hours of both of our daughters' births.
Gender Reveal celebrations are a big thing now. Not knowing the sex for either of our pregnancies helped me a lot those last few weeks, especially considering they were both late! As their due dates came and went, not knowing kept me engaged.
There is truth to the sayings about distance increasing fondness and true appreciation manifesting only once something is gone. That is part of the reason we collect things--they remind us of the moments we want to extend, to keep near.
A talisman is an object that carries an emotional value or charge imbued by the creator, the intention being to bring positivity to an endeavor or journey which the holder of the object is embarking upon.
A little over 17 years ago I created the first figurine for Kelley as a gift. That first baby still sits on her desk even though we had a girl. That quality of attachment is what distinguishes the treasured objects in our lives from the rest of the stuff that collects around us.